What are Sound Enhancers?
Inside Sound Enhancers:
Preview the power of "Sound Enhancers"
Each main category is divided into subcategories giving your a huge variety of different sounds.
Sound Enhancers
Sound enhancers will enhance your sounds adding punch, richness, width, tonality, impact, texture & more. These are the sounds that can be layered on top of your sounds - improving them.
Detail Enhancers
Detail enhancers add details to your songs filling empty gaps, emphasizing elements, improving transitions to the elements, adding tension, & more. Their unique feel and wide variety will help you add that interesting vibe to your songs.
Melodic Enhancers
These are the sounds that you drag & drop into your track, tune if necessary and they add a ton of vibe instantly. They can be used as individual sounds or as layers to enhance melodic sections. You can layer a bunch of those at once and use them in different spots too.
Background Enhancers
Thses enhancers fill out the backgrounds in your songs making them sound fuller. They are important, because having empty backgrounds can be very audible and your tracks can sound too empty. Even though these are not the main elements they make a big difference in a perception of the song.
Transition enhancers aim to make moving from one section to another - smooth, connected & flowing. Transitions are a crucial part in making your songs properly rise & fall in tension, they connect parts together making the listening experience have a smooth, constant flow with no gaps in energy.
Rhythmic sounds that add & enhance the rhythm in your songs. This enhancement creates movement that makes your head bounce to the beat. These also add groove to your songs & flow, which is achieved through the usage of constantly & smoothly flowing forwards sounds.
Style Enhancers
These sounds enhance your own personal style. They can be used over and over again in your songs as your signature sound. This category includes lots of unique one-shots as well as interesting signature sounds that can be your own!
378 Sounds